Art.No. | TR-BSC-110B2 TR-BSC-110B3 | TR-BSC-130B2 TR-BSC-130B3 |
Purification grade | Class 100(Federal Standard 209E) |
Bacterium colony No. | ≤0.5pcs/disg·hour(90mm dish) |
Average wind speed | 0.38±0.025m/s (inside door) |
0.26±0.025m/s (in the middle) |
0.27±0.025m/s (deep inside) |
Front inlet wind speed | 0.55±0.025m/s |
Air tighteness | ≤10-6L/S(at 500Pa) |
Noise | ≤60DBA |
Vibration/Half peak | ≤5μm |
Working zone (mm) | 1100×600×680 | 1300×600×680 |
Fluorescent lamp &UV lamp | 30W×1 | 30W×1 |
Remark | B2 0% of air for circulation, 100% of air is discharged to exhaust piping through pipeline B3 70% of air for circulation, 30% of air is discharged to exhaust piping through pipeline |